Sunday, 20 May 2012


How is MARVLIS going to be considered successful? & What will MARVLIS's customers be looking for? After some discussion with stake holders in the project, we have determined that the following point need considerable attention to ensure that project will be successful:

  • Customers will need to have the ability to use and download the data products in a user-friendly format. It will be important that the process of data synthesis and reporting are streamlined as much as possible to assist in the user friendliness.
  • Customers will need to ability to compare observational and modelled data with WQO's
  • Customers will expect the observational data to be enhanced with additional contour plots added for a higher resolution output in presentation.
  • Customers should be able to separate and individually select data sources.
  • Customers must be able to interpret any scenario tests, and be able to use then in management options / decision making, and based on the primary focus of the software the customers will expect software derived indicators to assist in monitor the estuary for public health and ecosystem health.

Because the product or software being developed will be designed to be transportable with MARVL it is also expected that it will be easily configured to work in new domains if and when MARVL is used in other estuaries around Australia.

We are also adding some local Derwent data sets as well as output derived data from MARVLIS to the RDA, so we expect that another successful outcome of this project will be that the data and data products will be easily discoverable.

Is it Better?

MARVLIS outcomes are not designed to replace any existing processes, but to enhance, or in some cases streamline what is a manual process. MARVLIS will be seen as an additional tool to better inform policy and decision makers.

Quality and precision?

Because of the nature of the MARVLIS software not all points will be easy to access for quality and precision. It is expected that there will have to be a period of time for the software to prove itself and historical data will have to show a strong trend with the derived data. A proven track record.